Misbegotten Comics Runaway Nun Issue 1 Cover with Marilyn Monroe and baby Jesus clones


Issue 1

After years of enforcing devotion to the Sacred Virgin with the edge of the sword, Father Elano is finally torn between his duty to the Church and the lives of young monk-warriors he puts in harm’s way. During one such holy raid, Elano encounters the Oracle, a child-seer with a special knowledge of the past. Meanwhile, in the Mid-Atlantic, Double-M 091, a replika of Marilyn Monroe, runs away from Harlequin Island—the last enclave of human science—and alerts the Holy See about the existence of J-Clone (her famous boyfriend) who’s lined up to star in a very authentic Easter Pageant. Alarmed, the Pope summons Father Elano from his crusading expeditions and sends him to kidnap the Lord’s vat-born twin. Meet Sir Gottfrey: the man with boxed organs, the scientist gone rogue, the maverick who brings the famous dead back to life! Escorted by his four Joan of Arc cyborgs, Gottfrey is headed to his weekly meeting with J-Clone, his soon-to-be actor extraordinaire.

Misbegotten Comics Runaway Nun Issue 2 Cover with Marilyn Monroe and Gandhi Covers

Issue 2

Sir Gottfrey grows impatient with J-Clone’s inability to get into character. Ever since Double-M 091, the only one who might help him cope with his stage-fright, has gone missing, J-Clone has become love-sick and now refuses to master his lines for the upcoming Pageant. At the Vatikan, Elano cuts a deal with the Pope: he will deliver the Lord’s body double to the Church, but that will be his last mission. On his way to Harlequin Island, Elano stops aboard Domus Mariae, the carrier-turned-abbey, where he rejoins Father Micon, his longtime Franciscan mentor. Pressed by Elano, Micon reveals his involvement with Gottfrey in the early days of the bioengineering revolution. Back on Harlequin Island, during the weekly Sunday show, Sir Gottfrey witnesses the clash between King Richie’s motley crew of veteran gladiators and a squad of augmented Steampunk Templars. Meet Klaudette: the one-eyed geisha who aspires to become a major player in the human blood traffic inside the replika Ghetto.

Misbegotten Comics Runaway Nun Issue 3 Cover with Jesus and Marilyn Monroe Clones

Issue 3

Flanked by his four femmes fatales, Sir Gottfrey arrives aboard Domus Mariae in search of Double-M 091, his prodigal daughter. In the ensuing brawl, Father Micon takes the bullets intended for Elano and dies in his disciple’s arms, while Gottfrey gets his lungs-box pierced. Back on Harlequin Island, Brother Ziggy, a Sigmund Freud-replika-turned-monk, takes a batch of runaway replikas to the rendezvous point with the Franciscans’ submarine. J-Clone finally gets reunited with Double-M 091, only to be rushed back to the surgery table for a second Bible neuro-implant. Gottfrey gets a new pair of lungs. Seeking both revenge for his mentor’s death and J-Clone’s capture, Elano travels aboard the submarine to the rendezvous point and persuades Ziggy to give him passage. Once inside the ghetto, Elano stumbles into the crossfire between two gangs fighting over the vials of human blood he carries with him, and ends up a prisoner in Klaudette’s personal Zoo.

Misbegotten Comics Runaway Nun Issue 4 Cover with Klaudette and hot nurses

Issue 4

Klaudette, the one-eyed geisha who stages masochistic shows in an abandoned water-processing plant, is ready to start her best performance ever in front of her gang of Punk Hitlers. For the first time, her co-star is a genuine human being – Father Elano. But King Richie and his band of retired gladiators crash Klaudette’s voyeuristic show. During the ensuing carnage, Elano escapes his bonds, joins the fight, and delivers King Richie from certain death. With the help of a team of feral Cannies, Richie’s renegade warriors eviscerate Klaudette’s gang and throw her to the sharks. Later that night, King Richie and Elano strike a deal: to aid the Jesuit in his pursuit of J-Clone, Richie will facilitate Elano’s entrance into Sir Gottfrey’s stronghold in exchange for a free pass off the island. Meanwhile, Klaudette climbs back inside the underbelly of the Harlequin Island. Back in his cell, J-Clone recovers from his surgery under the loving touch of Double-M. For once, his hallucinations have turned Biblical.

Misbegotten Comics Runaway Nun Volume 1 Trade Version Cover with Marilyn Monroe and baby Jesus clones

Runaway Nun Trade

Runaway Nun, Volume 1 compiles all the first four issues (the first story arc).